Overweight Permits

2025 Weight Restrictions - RM of Turtle River No. 469 will follow the 9 month primary weights.

July 1 - March 31 are primary weights, April 1 - June 30 are mandatory secondary weights.

This is subject to change weather permitted base on the current road conditions.

Overweight permits are required in the RM of Turtle River No. 469

Please download the form HERE and return it to the office by:

Email: office@rmofturtleriver.com OR fax 306-397-2346.

You may also call the office anytime at 306-397-2311 and leave a message with your information.

Single trip permits are $50.00 and Multiple trip permits are $300.00.



The RM of Turtle River No. 469 will be staying consistent with Highway 26  in regards to road weights.  Effective July 1, 2018 this Municipality will change from secondary weights to primary weights along with Sask Highways.  Primary weights will stay in effect for 9 months, or until Saskatchewan Highways changes Highway 26 from primary weights to secondary or road bans are implemented.  Please check this website or Saskatchewan Highways website for updates.